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5.15 Additional Guidelines or Regulations

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

Please take note that certain programmes may have additional guidelines or regulations according ...

6.4 Programme Agenda

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

Sample of Programme Agenda:  Refer Appendix

7.5 How to Get Sponsor

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 7. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP

Produce a creative and eye-catching “sponsorship proposal document/package”. Identify potential ...

7.4 Types of Sponsorship

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 7. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP

Main Sponsorship; Co-sponsorship; Media Partner; Platinum Sponsor, Gold Sponsor etc.; Title S...

7.3 Steps for Seeking Sponsorship

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 7. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP

The list below shows the steps to be followed: - Submit the details of sponsors (company name, a...

7.2 Nature of Business

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 7. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP

The soliciting of funds and seeking of sponsorship must not incorporate the elements of coercion,...

6.7 Protocols

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

In any programme, the following procedures must be followed: Organising formal functions The ch...

6.6 Booking of Venues and Facilities

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

Students can book venues and facilities available on campus from the relevant authorities. In ca...

6.5 Souvenirs/Honorarium for Speakers & VIPs

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

Souvenirs OR honorariums depend on the nature of the job of the invited speaker: as officiator, s...

6.3 Job scope of committees/ Functions of Various Event Committee

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

Each working committee must have a clear job scope to avoid redundancy, miscommunication as well ...

5.16 Organisers and co-organisers

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

A programme can be organised by a single organiser or in collaboration with other organisers. Co...

6.2 Running Order of Event

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

In order to ensure the smooth running of an event, the committee is encouraged to prepare a runni...

6.1 Things to Do Before an Event

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 6. EVENT MANAGEMENT

Have a general idea of the proposed event what and how the event is going to be. Recruit the Com...

5.22 Report of Programme

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

The report of the programme must be submitted to the approving authority 14 days after the comple...

5.21 Evaluation of Programme

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

The evaluation form shall be distributed to participants at the end of every programme. The analy...

5.20 Letter Writing

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

Guidelines on Letter Writing Students are not allowed to send any letter unless the programme ...

5.19 Accompanying Officer

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

The university authority may appoint relevant accompanying officer according to the nature of pro...

5.18 Postponement/Cancellation of a Programme/Change of venue/date/speaker

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

Students are not allowed to postpone/cancel/change a programme unless with approval from the rele...

5.17 Moratorium Dates for Student Programmes

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 5. HOW TO ORGANISE A PROGRAMME

No activities shall be conducted during the following major events: SRC Elections; 2 weeks befo...

7.6  Sponsorship Proposal/Package

Student Activities Guidelines and Proce... 7. SOLICITING SPONSORSHIP

The sponsorship package is a document which consists of the following: Cover page; Executive Su...